
I am the oldest of the Kelly children, so I guess that makes me the patriarch. I am retired from the telephone company (early retirement) and I am an ordained Deacon in the Roman Catholic Church. After getting my MA in Theology, I now work as a chaplain for a Hospice company.
I have been to Ireland twice before, once with my Father, Jack in 2001 along with a group from my parish, St. Bernadette’s in Monroeville PA and once in 2004 with my eldest sons (twins) Reagan and Jamie.
I am excited to return because I love Ireland and because on this trip I will be traveling with my whole family (my wife Marty, daughter, Libby, youngest son, Ben as well as Reagan and his friend, Jen and Jamie and his new wife, Emily!). Joining us will be my brother Kevin and five of his children and my youngest brother, Shawn (I know but my mother insisted on that spelling) and his wife, Liz.
I look forward to seeing some sights I have not seen before (in Northern Ireland) as well as an adventure and somewhat of a pilgrimage to Skeillig Michael.
Pray for us, for safe travel and good time together.

I am Marty, married to the oldest Kelly brother. I have never been to Ireland and I am looking forward to it. I am looking forward to spending time with my husband, sons, and, for the trip, my three daughters. I have been a member of the Kelly Clan for almost thirty years. My father-in-law spoke lovingly of his many trips to Ireland and I hope this would please him. This one is for you Pap.

I'm Ben Kelly, I am the youngest of Mike's kids. I am 16 and currently a sophomore at Central Catholic. I don't really know what I want to see the most in Ireland since I have never been there before but missing two weeks of school will be great!

I'm Libby Kelly, I'm 17. I'm at student at Oakland Catholic High School. I'm currently a junior. I'm most excited to see the Giants Causeways and Trinity college, and I'm altogether excited to see the country and where my ancestors came from.

I'm Jamie Kelly, I'm 28 and one of the two oldest of Mike's children. I've been to Ireland once before, and am looking forward to going back with more people I know. I live and work in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, with my wife, Emily. I work at The Gazette newspaper as editor of the Community section. I'm looking forward to spending more time in Ireland and seeing some new sights.

I'm Emily Johnson, and I'm married to Jamie Kelly. I work at a domestic violence shelter and I'm going to the University of Iowa in the fall to get my Master's Degree in Social Work. This will be my first trip to Ireland.

I'm Reagan, the oldest of Mike's kids. He, my twin brother Jamie, and I, went to Ireland together in 2004 (you can see all of the pictures here).
I'm a graduate student at the University of Michigan - and I'm hoping to finish by the end of the year (we'll see). I'm looking forward to seeing Derry and Giant's Causeway, and to see Ireland at our pace, choosing what we want to see and not being bound by a tour company or guide.

Hi, I’m Jen. Well, I was Jen until my so-called Best Friend, Reagan, spelled my name with an extra “N” on this website … so let me start over.
Hi, I’m Jenn. I’m a graduate student at the University of Michigan, and I have had the distinct pleasure of working in the same research group as one the Kelly twins, Reagan, for the past four years. Since we are inseparable and he couldn’t stand to be away from me for even a week, he is taking me to Ireland with him! I am not Irish at all, really, except in spirit, but I am psyched to see the lands of the Kelly family heritage and I am thrilled to get myself out of Ann Arbor for a while! So, my deepest gratitude and thank-you thank-yous to the Kelly family for letting me tag along.
I am most looking forward to taking lots of photos of the countryside, drinking and singing at the pub (someone please send me the words to the songs so I can pretend I know what I’m doing), and keeping Reagan honest and out of trouble.

I'm Kevin, but you can call me "Grumps." I thought I was growing up as the “middle child” until baby Shawn came along and made me number 3 of 6 children. I have 1 wife and 7 children. The kids are starting to move on. Our middle child graduates high school this spring, but, more importantly, our youngest graduates elementary school! Our oldest started Kindergarten in 1986.
I have a Bachelor’s degree in Nursing, and have worked as a field rep for a company that makes cardiac pacemakers and implantable defibrillators for the past 10 years.
For a variety of reasons, the Kevin Kellys will be at half strength on this trip. My oldest daughter Michelle, son-in-law Steve, granddaughter Katelyn, oldest son (#3 child) Nate, future daughter-in-law Amber, and most sadly, my wife Debbie will not be able to join us.
Having raised kids for the past 1/4 century, we’ve done little traveling, except for an annual trip to the Jersey Shore. I have never dreamed of going overseas, and wouldn’t know how to start planning a trip like this. I will rely on Mike and Shawn and their families to guide the way. As we talk and exchange emails, I am becoming more and more excited to see what there is to see. I think what I am looking forward to most is the possibility of locating the forge where John W. Kelly, my great grandfather, learned his trade as a blacksmith. As I get older, I find the things that connect us to our past are the ones that impress me most.

I'm Meghan, and I'm 23. I'm number 2 of Kevin's 7 kids. I just graduated from Edinboro University in December with a Bachelors in Elementary Education/ Early Childhood. Since then, I've been job searching and substitute teaching. I'm excited about this trip because I've never been out of the country even though I love learning about other cultures. I'm excited to visit where my ancestors came from and enjoy the whole cultural experience. I hope to find some child friendly souvenirs to use in my future classroom and to add to my cultural artifacts from Pakistan, Hong Kong, and India.
Yo Homies!! I’m Shayla and I am 18. I am a senior at Keystone Oaks High School, I am almost done! I am excited for this trip for a number of reasons. First and foremost we are doing something our grandfather would want us to do! I get to spend time with family on an excellent trip. I am also looking forward to seeing the beautiful country. This trip is going to be fun and educational. And of course who can deny the fact that we NOT GOING TO SCHOOL FOR 2 WEEKS!!! WAHOO!!!

I am Colin. I am number 5 of 7 of Kevin's kids. I am 15 years old and i am currently a sophmore at Keystone Oaks High School. I have never been out of the country, and I have never been on a plane. So these are both firsts. I am aslo looking forward to missing two weeks of school to go on this adventurous family vaction to learn about our family's heritage.

I'm Maura Kelly. I'm 13 and go to Keystone Oaks Middle School. I'm going to Ireland for eleven days. This is my first trip to Ireland. That means no school for two weeks! Yay!!!!

I'm Nevin Kelly. I'm 11 years old and the youngest one on the trip. I am in 5th grade at Dormont Elementary. I'm excited to see where my family came from and just the country as a whole. I am also excited to go on a plane for the first time!

I'm Shawn, the youngest brother in the family. I am an electrical engineer, working at MIT for the last 11 years on developing a retinal implant to restore vision to the blind. Liz and I live in Medford, MA with our two greyhounds.
I've been to Ireland twice before, in 2000 with my father Jack, and in 2006 as a 3rd anniversary trip with Liz. I'm most excited about sharing the experience this time with a larger part of the family. I'm hoping to sit in a pub, drinking and singing the songs our father sang when I was little. I'm also very much looking forward to seeing Skellig Michael (weather permitting).